Thursday, 19 April 2018

Galasport Manic Review

My thoughts on the slalom inspired whitewater design from Czech manufacturers Galasport.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Immersion Research 7Figure Dry Suit - 1 Year On

I started typing this review and got bored. So here is a video where I actually have my suit on display and you get to see every scratch on the suit. I kept the video under 10 minutes but that might still be too long. I dunno.

Hopefully it helps out some people. If it does, it'll have been worth the effort.

I can't imagine that too many people will want to hear me talking about IR stuff too much, so I plan on doing some reviews on other products.
Keep an eye out for reviews on

  • Galasport paddles
  • VE paddles
  • Pyranha Ripper
  • Astral Brewer 2.0 shoes
Got something you want me to review? Or want to suggest something for me to review? Let me know.